Saturday, September 14, 2013

Britain’s ‘Anything Goes’ Abortions

Last year Britain was shocked to discover its doctors were aborting fetuses simply because they were the ‘wrong gender.’ Now authorities have decided to look the other way.

Article by: Richard Palmer

Last year Britain’s Telegraph newspaper shocked the nation by exposing the way some doctors were breaking the law by deliberately aborting baby girls. It’s a global problem, especially in Asia, where cultures that value boys more highly than girls are becoming rich enough to afford abortion.

Revulsion poured out of the newspapers. The government promised action. Andrew Lansley, then health secretary, called such abortions “illegal and morally wrong.”

The Trumpet also tackled the subject. Columnist Brad Macdonald attacked the hypocrisy of a nation that’s fine with the murder of unborn babies, but then acts outraged when it disagrees with the rationale for the murder.

His point: When you reject a law and moral standard, all kinds of twisted activities will eventually become normal.

“You watch,” he wrote. “Our moral anarchy will result in some of the most sickening practices imaginable.”

“The gendercide under way in Britain is not simply a result of the rejection of law and morality by a few individuals, be it the mother seeking the termination of her baby or the doctor performing the procedure,” he concluded. “Ultimately, it’s the result of a government, a culture, an entire nation, caught in the grip of moral anarchy—and fast descending into total lawlessness.”

The descent into lawlessness is so fast that, just over a year later, Britain has decided that, actually, it’s fine with “gendercide.”

The Crown Prosecution Service (cps) told two of the doctors exposed last year that they would not be prosecuted, the Telegraph reported September 5. There’s plenty of evidence that they broke the law, but the cps decided that it wouldn’t be in the public interest to prosecute them.

They’ll still face an investigation by the General Medical Council, but they won’t face jail.

Not only is Britain completely ignoring moral law over abortion, but it’s ignoring its own national law.

That law was already a bit of a joke. It allows for women to have an abortion if “termination is necessary to prevent grave permanent injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman.” In practice, that’s ignored. If a woman doesn’t want a baby, the doctor signs a paper saying that a baby would damage her mental health, and the abortion goes ahead.

The cps said doctors have “wide discretion” to “interpret the law.” As Telegraph columnist Fraser Nelson put it, “This is a polite way of saying that the law is almost entirely ignored.” The law of God doesn’t apply and neither does the law of man.

This is what a tolerant society looks like. No politician, no judge, no bureaucrat—no leader of any kind—wants to condemn another person’s way of life, especially when it comes to sex, not even to uphold the law of the land.

Proverbs 14:12 warns us that “There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” A moral code built simply on what men think is right has no solid foundation and easily shifts.

And look at how fast it shifts. Last year, gender-specific abortions were abhorrent. This year, the authorities look the other way, though conservative journalists speak out. Likely, next year, no one will pay it any attention, and the year after that they will be normal.

This is exactly what this proverb is warning us about. And what’s next? “Post-birth abortions” perhaps? It sounds outrageous. But if our great-grandparents knew about what is going on today, they would be outraged.

Man simply cannot be trusted to create his own moral code. He’ll simply compromise and tolerate until, as the proverb warns, it ends in death. Britain, and this whole world, is crying out for God’s absolute moral law—it just doesn’t realize it yet.

If you want to know more about this subject, read Brad Macdonald’s article “The Shocking Truth Behind Britain’s Gendercide Scandal.”

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